
for Jesus

so far, by hazel hoyle

Sometimes I weep in your powerful Love
with sorrow of your pain.
The suffering endured while watching me

I weep for the pain you’ve felt
the significant pain

Suffering endured watching
the deepest Love in your heart
Turn and choose death instead of life.

I see the pain in your eyes, your heart, your hands.
As the Love of your life Rejects you
Forsakes you forlorn.

Forlorn lover of my soul. I will never leave you (Again.)
I weep to imagine your pain watching me go.

Turning on you.
Turning from you
Rejecting your Love. Rejecting your gift of life.

How strangely sad that I only came back crawling
Back to you on my knees.
on my knees before you.

and I wonder why
or even how
You could still love me after all

I was so far
so far away.

oh my Lord, my God, my Love.

Oh, if it were that I could take that pain
from your eyes, your heart, your hands

And even still, I don’t have a whisper
that could ever will come close

to what you did for me.

copyright©2003 Hazel Hoyle
Excerpt from The Sand Between My Toes